Team Code of Conduct

Last Updated: 1/10/2024

LA Select implements the following Team Code of Conduct for players and parents . All players and parents (or legal guardians) must read and sign this form prior to the player’s full participation.

A. Program Standards

  1. ATTENDANCE AT PRACTICES IS VERY IMPORTANT! 90% or above attendance is required. Attendance is recorded and monitored by the head coach.

  2. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE IS A PRIORITY. Report cards are reviewed every semester, and grades not meeting expectations set by parents and coaches will result in (in this order) practice suspension, game suspension, and ultimately forfeiture in participating on the team.

  3. TRYOUTS: Apart from the initial tryout, all players are required to re-tryout at the start of every season. This is to ensure all our club teams remain competitive as well as ensuring that all players are put in the best position to develop and gain game exposure.

  4. MISSED PRACTICES/UNEXPECTED ABSENCES: If you’re unable to attend a practice, please let coaches know via email or text. If missing practices becomes an issue, playing time will be impacted per the decision of the head coach.

  5. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: We guarantee/hold a spot on the team for one month per season (1 year) for a leave of absence. Any duration longer than one month means the player’s spot isn’t guaranteed upon requesting to return.

  6. GAMES: Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to game time. Always bring both sets of uniforms to the game. Players may only wear white, black, or navy underneath their game uniforms.

  7. PLAYING TIME IS NOT GUARANTEED. The factors in determining playing time include (but is not limited to) commitment, skill/ability, and practice attendance.

  8. We require a HIGH LEVEL OF COMMITMENT from players, parents, and coaches in order for our teams to reach their highest potential. This means we expect 100% commitment on both practice and game days.

B. Player Etiquette

  1. Arrive at practice on time/early and be ready to start at the designated time.

  2. Practice Uniforms must be worn (on the dark side) and tucked in during practices; no exceptions.

  3. Jewelry of any kind is not permitted during practices or games.

  4. No talking when: a). The coach is talking, or b). When any teammate is talking or asking a question.

  5. When a coach blows the whistle, stop what you are doing and listen.

  6. Being disruptive during practice is unfair to your teammates and coaches. If this behavior persists, an appropriate penalty will be decided by the head coach (i.e. pushups, running, asked to sit out, etc.).

  7. Bringing your own basketball to practices is encouraged but not mandatory.

C. Parent Etiquette


    1. Parents are welcome to watch practices, but please refrain from communicating with your child while practices are going on – let the coaches coach. If this becomes a concern to the coach(es) where parents are yelling from the sidelines and distracting the players, parents will be asked to leave the gym during practices or games.

    2. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s skill development, playing time, health issues, etc. please DO NOT come up to a coach during, before, or right after a game or during practice. Please call or email them at a later time to make an appointment to talk outside of the gym and away from other team members/parents.

  2. GAMES:

    1. We encourage parents to cheer for all LA Select players because it creates a pleasant experience all around, but please DO NOT coach your son/daughter or the team from the sidelines.

    2. Refrain from using improper language towards referees and opposing team’s fans/players. Let the referee’s ref the game – you are not making the situation better by yelling at them.

    3. Excluding extreme circumstances, if you confirm to a tournament you are expected to show up. If you miss a tournament for any other reason, other than extreme circumstances, you will still be charged the tournament fee.

    4. Out of town tournaments will have a portion of the tournament fee charged beforehand as a non-refundable deposit.

By signing this form, the player and parent have both read and understood the rules in the LA Select Team Code of Conduct. Both provide their consent that a player who violates the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action by the team head coach and/or program director. This disciplinary action may include loss of playing time or forfeiture of the participation in the program entirely or for the season.

Camp Code of Conduct

Last Updated: 1/10/2024

LA Select implements the following Camp Code of Conduct for participants and parents. All participants and parents (or legal guardians) must read and sign this form prior to participation in all LA Select camps.

A. Participant Etiquette

  1. You are expected to respect your coaches and your peers, anything less will not be tolerated.

  2. You are expected to arrive to camp on time/early and be ready to start at the designated time.

  3. No talking when: a). The coach is talking, or b). When any participant is talking or asking a question.

  4. When a coach blows the whistle, stop what you are doing and listen.

  5. Being disruptive during camp is unfair to your other participant and coaches. If this behavior persists, an appropriate penalty will be decided by coaches (i.e. pushups, running, asked to sit out, etc.).

  6. We ask participant to bring their own basketball to the camp.

    • Make sure basketballs are marked with the player’s full name. 

    • Ball size: For ages 7-11 we recommend 28.5. Ages 12 and up we recommend 29.5.

  7. Participants must arrive in the camp t-shirt (provided on the first day), shorts, and basketball shoes. Please do not wear jeans, uncomfortable shoes, or have on any jewelry, watches, etc.

B. Parent Etiquette

  1. Parents are allowed to watch camp, but please refrain from communicating with your child while drills are going on – let the coaches coach. If this becomes a concern to the coach(es) where parents are yelling from the sidelines and distracting the participants, parents will be asked to leave the gym.

  2. Parents are welcome to drop of leave during camps hours, be assured that 5-12 coaches will monitor and assess participants with injuries or other issues. We have your contact information on file and will be reaching out if need be.

By signing this form, the participant and parent have both read and understood the rules in the LA Select Camp Code of Conduct. Both provide their consent that a participant who violates the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action by the program director. This disciplinary action may include being suspended from current and/or future LA Select camps.

Clinic Code of Conduct

Last Updated: 1/10/2024

LA Select implements the following Clinic Code of Conduct for participants and parents. All participants and parents (or legal guardians) must read and sign this form prior to participation.

A. Participant Etiquette

  1. You are expected to respect your coaches and your peers, anything less will not be tolerated.

  2. You are expected to arrive to clinics on time/early and be ready to start at the designated time.

  3. No talking when: a). The coach is talking, or b). When any teammate is talking or asking a question.

  4. When a coach blows the whistle, stop what you are doing and listen.

  5. Being disruptive during clinics is unfair to your teammates and coaches. If this behavior persists, an appropriate penalty will be decided by the head coach (i.e. pushups, running, asked to sit out, etc.).

  6. We ask players to bring their own basketball to each clinic.

    • Make sure basketballs are marked with the player’s full name. 

    • Ball size: For ages 7-11 we recommend 28.5. Ages 12 and up we recommend 29.5.

  7. Players must arrive in t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. Please do not wear jeans, uncomfortable shoes, or have on any jewelry, watches, etc.

B. Parent Etiquette

  1. Parents are allowed to watch clinics, but please refrain from communicating with your child while clinics are going on – let the coaches coach. If this becomes a concern to the coach(es) where parents are yelling from the sidelines and distracting the players, parents will be asked to leave the gym.

  2. If parents must leave during clinics, be assured that 1-3 coaches will monitor and assess players with injuries or other issues. We have your contact information on file and will be reaching out if need be.

By signing this form, the participant and parent have both read and understood the rules in the LA Select Clinics Code of Conduct. Both provide their consent that a player who violates the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action by the program director. This disciplinary action may include being suspended from the program.